

Financial Youth Advocates

Our organization strives to eliminate the wealth gap that exists between minorities and other races.  We believe that if we start financial education training early, we can prevent youth from becoming part of the debt problem in America and direct them to start building their financial futures through wealth accumulation and building.  

Our organization uses the L.E.S.I.G strategy to help our youth achieve their financial goals.  
  • Learn
  • Earn
  • Save
  • Invest
  • Give Back

L.E.S.I.G Strategy Explained

Learn-  Each member will attend an 8 week financial literacy course where they will learn the basics and fundamentals of personal finance to include saving, credit, debt, budgets, bank accounts, and investing.  Students will earn a certificate at the end of the course
Earn- Students that are employed or earn any type of income will create an income forecast for each month and financial action plan. Students will learn about taxes and how to fill out the w-4 form properly. 
Save- Students will commit to saving at least 10% of their gross income in conjuction with the financial savings plan.  Students are encouraged to open savings accounts and keep a minimum of $100 in the account at all times.
Invest- after achieving a savings goal students are encouraged to invest their savings into stocks, bonds, businesses, etc.
Give- Once students have reached their initial savings goal they are encouraged to give charitably to an organization of their choice.